The knowledge and valorisation of the cultural heritage of the Municipality of Pietravairano is one of the priority objectives of the political action of the administration I presided over.
In recent years, many cultural events (conferences, seminars, guided tours, etc.) have been directed towards the dissemination of knowledge of local heritage.
In 2011, the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipality and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salento, under the scientific direction of prof.
Gianluca Tagliamonte, was a fundamental moment for a more effective knowledge and valorisation of the archaeological complex of Monte San Nicola, a real flagship of the entire Campania territory.
Lastly, I would like to remind you that the Theater-Temple, which has been the subject of numerous excavation campaigns since the beginning of 2015, has undergone extensive consolidation and restoration work since the beginning of 2015, with the aim of ensuring its conservation for future generations and a Better use for tourists who – I am sure – will come even more numerous in the coming months.